Watch the replay of the launch event of 6 August

Monthly Pay As You Go

On Tuesday the 6th of August, the TroubleMaker team has officially launched the NEW membership model to the world.

After more than 6 months interviewing people, we got crystal clear what product developers need from Shenzhen, China. Watch the replay of the introduction to discover how TroubleMakers enables product developers to succeed with safe development of hardware products in China.


2 Replies to “Watch the replay of the launch event of 6 August”

  1. Hello

    i want to develop and manufacture medical instruments , do you work in the field of medical devices ?

    thanks a lot

    1. Hi Ahmad,

      Thanks for reaching out!
      The field of medical instruments is wide. We have had teams that did medical instruments and we have several factories and related supply chain in our network that can support.

      Feel free to send an email to [email protected] to discuss more.

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